Monday, April 1, 2013

I FINALLY BEAT A MEGA MAN! - Sledge's Gaming Journal

Yes, you heard me!!! It has taken until now for me to FINALLY beat a Mega Man game.

Why is that? Who's to say. Mega Man was just one of those games I never felt any sort of impetus to even start. However, I'm wrapped up in a circle of pretty hardcore gamers, so I have felt the desire to do so growing for some time. So now, I present to you... the PROOF that I have beaten a Mega Man game... not only that, but the FIRST Mega Man game I ever played!


Okokok... I can hear the purists exploding with rage.

Let me explain...

This is indeed the first Mega Man I ever played. I found and downloaded it in the BBS days, and ran terribly slow on my 4.77MHz IBM XT clone. I could never understand why a game with annoying jumping frogs, irritating flying bats and a shit ton of other enemies who were designed so short one could not shoot them, would ever be considered one of the best games of all time, much less launch a series.

Then I saw someone play the first NES title, and I realized my Mega Man experience was completely different. "Where are the frogs?" I'd ask myself. "The bats? The spiders?"

Turns out the DOS version was developed by someone at HiTech Expressions who probably got a bunch of assets from Capcom and were told, "have at it, hoss!"

It is still plenty playable and actually pretty fun as its own weird thing.

So, when I finally got the urge to play a Mega Man through to completion, I decided to go for this one, my actual "first" "Mega Man."

I may do a more detailed review of this in the future. In the meantime, if you want to know more about this game, I suggest you check out the awesome review at Ancient DOS Games.


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